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This Is The Reason Why You Must Immediately Move To Video Marketing For Your Business

If you are a businessman and are accustomed to using the internet as the most effective marketing or promotional media and have a big influence on your business, then you can try video marketing which is currently popular. Many people use this method to be able to market their business in a fun way. Because the video will attract more people. Visit https://gram.com.sg  to get the right and quality video marketing that is suitable for the business you are running, of course.

If you still use other content to market or promote your business, then below are some reasons why you should move immediately using video marketing.

- Emotional connection
The video leaves emotions to the audience. Unlike photos or graphics, the video has a wider space to talk to the audience. He is richer because inside is a picture that tells stories and sounds that speak. Strong images combined with beautiful music will make the audience's emotions stir

- Easy to understand
Compare reading tutorials with dozens of lines and sentences by watching a video that explains it with pictures, sounds, and text. Which is easier to understand? Videos are proven to be able to explain difficult concepts simply.

- SEO: Google Likes Videos
Video has been proven to improve your company's SEO (search engine optimization). Data says that the chance for your company's website on the first page of Google to increase 53 times if you enter a video on the front page of your website. Since Google bought Youtube, there has been a significant increase in the relationship between the two.

After that, you also need to know where you need to put the video. If you will put it on the website, there are several places on the website that you can choose.

- Hero Slider
Hero slider is an important element in the landing page. In addition to including videos with an embed system (planted on the website), you can also include videos to replace the image on your head hero.
What is the function? The background function of the video is actually not much different from the background image, which is to give a certain nuance on your website. Thus, your website will appear more professional and dynamic, when compared to using static images only.

 - Product page
If in the introduction video you just give an introduction, now is the time to go deeper. For product items, then explain how easy it is to use your product if your product is service, then explain how to use your product, if your product is an app, then explain how to use it. Remember to keep packaging briefly and interestingly so that viewers can understand it more easily.